暗号少女 CryptoShojo is a narrative-driven, multimedia, and multilingual project centered around a fantasy retelling of the budding web3 revolution.
You will learn about the fascinating human and technological tales behind the decentralized web through the metaverse starring our 10 extraordinary shojos.
We hope that more women and other marginalized friends will see themselves in our stories and be empowered to take on this revolution.
Meet our shojos! Come say hi to Bitcoin-sama, Ethereum-sama, Solana-hakase, Cardano-sensei, Binance-chan, Polygon-chan, Polkadot-chan, Circle-chan and last but not least our twins Doge-chan and Shiba-chan. Learn more about their exciting endeavors in the Angou Revolution. >>> See Shojos page.
To become part of our CryptoShojo DAO, you can apply to be special sponsors of our shojos (exploring fractionalization), join any of their fanclubs with 864 members each, or even just provide moral support as a fan observer. Please help yourselves. >>> See Fanclub page.
We are an all-womxn team of amateur writers, artists, and musicians, but we poured our hearts into making CryptoShojo.